Red Gum Gully Boardwalk, Red Cliffs
Envire Sustainable Boardwalks

Recycled Plastic Boardwalks
Not surprisingly, the name Red Cliffs was derived from the 70 metre (distinctly) red cliffs on the banks of the Murray River.
The Red Cliffs area is rich in history. It was settled by return servicemen from WW1 who were offered 15 acres of land for the production of sultanas. Co-incidentally, it is the discarded vine covers from these table grape vineyards in the Red Cliffs district that Integrated Recycling collects and uses as a key resource to produce its recycled plastic product range; including the decking used on the Red Cliffs boardwalk project …truly a local solution for a nationwide problem.
A much loved and well used facility by both locals and tourist, the iconic Red Gum Gully Boardwalk leads to a viewing platform nestled besides an old red gum and looks across the river towards an ancient landscape. The platform sits near a significant midden site which dates back 38 thousand years.
An historically significant site, the old boardwalk was closed in 2016 for public safety reasons as the timber slats and footings were in poor condition due to water and sun damage.
@Parks Victoria had been working with the local community and in 2018 the boardwalk project was selected for funding through the community driven @Pick My Project.
Coordinated by Parks Victoria, designed by @Tonkin and installed in 2020 by FNG Construction, the iconic boardwalk was built to pass the test of time. The galvanised sub structure and railing are complemented by Envire’s 150 x 50cm sustainable decking. The extremely long life of Envire’s decking will ensure significant cost savings to Parks Victoria over the life of the project.
Stephen Webster GM Integrated Recycling says “We view waste plastic as a resource. The inherently durable nature of plastic can be used to create high performing circular economy products like Envire decking boards.”
Envire decking is close to indestructible! It’s made from recycled agricultural plastics and has a lifespan 3-4times that of timber which makes it very cost effective over the life of the project. Another significant project along the mighty Murray

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